Tujuh Kunci Sukses

successKenapa orang lain pintar, saya tidak? Kenapa orang lain bisa, saya tidak? Kenapa orang lain kaya, saya miskin? Kenapa orang lain sukses, saya tidak? Seringkali kita bertanya-tanya akan keadaan kita yang tak seberuntung orang lain. Kita kecewa, frustasi, putus asa dengan keadaan kita yang “begini-begini” saja. Kenapa? “Jawabannya ada pada diri kita sendiri!” tegas Andry Andrew. Lho?!! Ya kondisi kita sekarang, menurut Andrew, adalah hasil dari buah pikiran kita. Kita memandang bahwa diri kita lebih buruk dari orang lain. Singkatnya; ANDA ADALAH APA YANG ANDA PIKIRKAN. Lantas, bagaimana kita bisa keluar dari pikiran kita yang seperti itu? Nah, Andrew ternyata tak asal bicara. Dalam bukunya “The Traveler’s Gift”, penyusun serial terlaris Storms of Reflection ini berbagi tentang Tujuh Kunci Sukses yang bisa membawa kita pada perubahan yang kita inginkan. Ini dia Tujuh Kunci Sukses itu (baca berulang-ulang setiap hari):

  • Keputusan pertama : KESALAHAN BERHENTI DI SINI


  • Keputusan ketiga : SAYA ORANG YANG BERTINDAK

  • Keputusan keempat : SAYA MEMILIKI KETETAPAN HATI

  • Keputusan kelima : HARI INI SAYA MEMILIH BAHAGIA



    Nah, kalau mau lengkapnya bisa dilihat di sini

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Filed under Motivasi

Ditilang Polisi

PiriwiiiiitttTanggal 19 Januari kamari, kuring ditilang di jalan Soekarno-Hatta (beh ditueun gede bage). Kasalahanna nyaeta motor kuring teu make kaca spion. Kuring nyisi dan ngadenge piriwit polisi ngajuit jeung curukna nunjuk ka kuring. Motor ku kuring dipareuman. Terus kuring turun tina motor bari helm dibuka.

“Selamat Siang Pak! Bisa lihat SIM dan STNK-nya”, ceuk polisi bari leungeunna diangkat kana tarang manehna tanda ngahormat.

“Siang!” Jawab kuring singket. SIM jeung STNK ku kuring dikaluarkeun tina dompet.

Saenggeus eta polisi ngilikan SIM jeung STNK kuring, manehna tuluy nanya, “Kenapa spionnya tidak dipasang?”

“Maaf pak, kemarin spionnya lepas trus saya belum sempat masang spionnya. Habis tadi saya buru-buru berangkat mau nandatanganin Skripsi ke dosen.”

“Ya udah, ditilang aja!” Tuluy manehna ngaluarkeun pulpen jeung kertas tilang.


“Sidangnya tanggal 1 Februari di jalan RE. Martadinata”.


“Yang mau ditahannya SIM atau STNK?” Tanya polisi deui.

“SIM aja pak”. Surat tilangna ku kuring dibawa terus diasupkeun kana dompet jeung STNK. Saenggeus kitu, biur weh kuring indit deui.


Jam satengah sapuluh lewat saeutik, kuring nepi di pengadilan. Sakumaha nu dijanjikeun ku polisi harita, yen sidang teh poe Jum’at tanggal 1 Februari. Kuring langsung asup ka ruangan sidang. Surat tilang ku kuring dibikeun ka petugas. Selang sajam, kuring dipanggil.

“Fifit, tanggal sidangnya di sini nggak ada. Jadi kamu harus ngambil SIM-nya di Polres Kota Bandung Timur”, ceuk petugas pengadilan bari nembongkeun surat tilang nu eweuh tanggal sidangna.

“Tapi pak, kata polisi yang nilang saya, katanya tanggal 1 saya bisa ngambil SIM saya,” hate kuring mulai panas.

“Iya, tapi SIM-nya juga nggak ada di sini, kamu harus ngambilnya di sana”. Ceuk petugas eta keukeuh.

Bari hate gondo sagede tolombong, kuring antukna indit ka Polres.

Ari pek teh, bener we SIM kuring aya keneh di dinya.

“Kumaha polisi teh teu baleg!” Batin kuring tuluy galecok. Ceuk kuring mah, mun hayang sidang di tempat harita, atuh ngomong naon hesena. Menta sabaraha? Ke kuring ditawar. Heueuh mun menta gede mah da duitna ge euweuh.

Atuh, mun nitah bisa dicokot di kantor polisi, nya ceuk kuring ge ngomong. Naon hesena!!! Ieu mah kadon ngagawekeun. Ongkoh motto polisi teh MELAYANI DAN MELINDUNGI MASYARAKAT. Tapi ieu mah malah NGAGAWEKEUN MASYARAKAT.

Jadi emosi tungtungna teh.

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Filed under Catatan Mingguan

23 Januari 2008

Dak! Keur naon?  Hampura, kuring geus lila teu ngadu bako jeung hidep.   Tadina, kuring hayang jiga batur, bisa ngadu bako jeung dulur-dulurna. Silih hiut, silih huit, jeung silih heot.  Tapi geuning kuring mah da lain batur.

Kamari we dak, pas kuring nyobaan ngaheot bari meledugkeun haseup tina biwir, geus di pegat manten.  Eta teh lain sakali dua kali.  Antukna, ayeuna mah kuring dek jiga baheula deui we ah, ngan saukur seuri jeung ngadengekeun batur nu sing hareot.

Dak! hidep masih daek ngadengekeun heotan kuring?  Soalna, kuring teuing kudu ka saha deui kuring ngaheot ari lain ka hidep mah.  Soalna, mun ditahan-tahan sok bisi jadi bisul dina bujur.  Pan karunya kuring nyeurieun mun rek diuk.

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Filed under Catatan Mingguan

Cameras for Dads and Grads

By Nancy Hill

(Source: http://www.photography.com/topics/cameras-for-dads-and-grads/)

Cameras are great gifts for dads and grads, but deciding which one is the right one can be tricky. Here are some tips to help you make the best choice.

Film or Digital
This debate can get quite lengthy, and I use both film and digital. But I will make this easy for you: Unless you’re buying a camera for a professional photographer, go with digital. Digital is more convenient and there are no film costs. If your dad or grad falls in love with photography, he or she may eventually want a film camera as well. At that point, you can congratulate yourself for introducing someone into the wonderful world of photography. You can also be certain that from that point forward, your dad or grad will never be shy about letting you know exactly what he or she wants when it comes to photography equipment.

Digital Features
The first thing I advise you to do is to figure out what features your gift recipient will want. Here are some important features.

In digital photography, this is determined by how many megapixels the camera has. Megapixels do not determine the quality of the image; rather they determine the quality of the print size. The more megapixels, the bigger the enlargement can be without losing clarity. A three-megapixel camera will provide good prints up to 8 x 10. That will probably be sufficient for most dads and grads. However, getting more won’t hurt.

If your gift recipient is likely to use the photos online, you can get by with fewer megapixels.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that small and sleek might be ideal for a recent grad. If you hope to see photos of their new life, make it convenient for them to take a camera with them. It’s a lot easier to stick a camera in a pocket or purse than it is to carry it over your shoulder or around your neck. Cameras that need camera bags tend to stay in closets or under beds unless someone has a real passion for photography.

On the other hand, if you’re getting a camera for a dad who loves taking photos of kids playing sports or family vacation photos, a larger model might work better. The features are larger and easy to find and manipulate, and larger models often offer more options. (There are only so many options you can pack into a little bundle.)

If this is the first digital camera your recipient has had and he or she hasn’t ever shown any strong interest in photography, I’d avoid buying a 35 mm digital camera with interchangeable lenses. That could be overwhelming. On the other hand, if your recipient has shown a strong interest in photography and is forever e-mailing photos to friends and family members, it could well be time to get the 35 mm/interchangeable lens camera. You’ll be a hero!

Ease of Use
You know your recipient. If he or she simply wants to point and shoot, make sure you get a camera that has all automatic settings and will make every decision all on its own. On the other hand, if your recipient likes to fiddle with things and is a techno freak, make sure you get something that give him or her the ability to make manual adjustments.

Digital cameras have a variety of options. The ones I would make sure the camera has are:
• Optical zoom lens
• Ability to use rechargeable batteries
• Removable memory card (vs. strictly storing photos inside the camera)
• An ISO range of up to at least up to 400 (more if the person is likely to shoot in dim light) Note: ISO determines how light sensitive the camera is.
• A built-in flash (with a red-eye reduction feature)
• An LCD screen for viewing pictures
• A glass lens (rather than a plastic one)

Other features to consider include:
• Ability to set the camera to manual mode. This allows for much more creativity. Personally, I’d never give anyone a camera without this. It’s like giving someone a coloring book and insisting they “stay inside the lines,” vs. giving them a sketch book and inks, pastels, watercolors, etc.
• Video capability to make short movies. You aren’t going to get high quality here, but it can be fun.
• Close up mode. Nice feature that allows the user to take super close-ups of things like flower petals, stamps, bugs, etc.
• A timer. Nice to make sure the camera is steady if it’s on a tripod and useful it the photographer wants to jump into the picture.
• Ability to release shutter once and have it take a series of pictures within seconds. Great for someone who is going to be shooting sports or other action photos.

How to Choose
Do your research. Go online and do a search for Web sites that compare digital cameras. Ask someone you know with a digital camera whether or not they like theirs. Find out what they say they could live without and what they’d never give up. If they are knowledgeable, maybe they could help you decide. Go to a store and hold the cameras. What feels good?

Make a list of the most important features the person you are giving the gift to will want. Prioritize the features. Then search for cameras within your price range and match as many features as you can to a price you can afford.

Stick with brand names you trust. You can’t go wrong with a Nikon or Canon. (Personally, I have always used Nikons and wouldn’t trade them for anything.)

Look at the complete package. Some packages include memory cards, cables to hook the camera up to the computer, and rechargeable batteries. Some digital cameras have “ports” you set your camera in to recharge the batteries.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but for a grad who isn’t interested in learning all about photography, you’re well advised to consider appearance. Slick and sleek might be way more important that one with more features but that isn’t as cool looking.

Think of the ability to exchange the camera. If you buy a camera that doesn’t have a feature the recipient MUST have (and of course never mentioned to you), you will want to be able to exchange it for something the recipient will be able to use to capture the photographs he or she has in mind.

Digital cameras with 3 megapixels can start as low as $100 and go to thousands for professional models. When comparing prices, make sure you take into account the entire package that comes with the camera.

Shop around. You can find some great deals on the Internet from highly reputable camera stores. Watch inserts in the Sunday paper as well. Visit some camera and electronic stores.

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Filed under Fotografi

Selamat Datang!

Selamat datang di pertanyaanku.wordpress. Blog ini saya maksudkan sebagai media saling berbagi informasi, ilmu, perasaan, pemikiran, dan apa saja yang ingin Anda bagikan. Bagi Anda yang mempunyai tulisan tentang berbagai hal (apa pun bentuk tulisan Anda) bisa langsung dikirimkan ke e-mail saya (kingkong_1316@yahoo.com).

Terima kasih.

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